
Multiple amphipathic alpha-helical candidate domains have been identified in exchangeable apolipoproteins by sequence analysis and indirect experimental evidence. The distribution of charged residues can differ within and between these apolipoproteins. Segrest et al. (Segrest, J. P., H. DeLoof, J. G. Dohlman, C. G. Brouillette, and G. M. Anantharamaiah. 1990. Proteins. 8:103-117.) argued that these differences are correlated with lipid affinity. A mathematically defined motif for the particular charge distribution associated with high lipid affinity (class A) is proposed. Primary sequence data from protein segments proposed previously to have an amphipathic alpha-helical structure are scanned. Counting formulas are presented for determining the conditional probability that the match between an observed charge distribution and the proposed motif would occur by chance. Because the preselected helical segments are short (the modal length is 22) and the motif definition imposes multiple constraints on the acceptable distributions, the computer-based algorithm is quite feasible computationally. 19 of the 20 segments previously assigned to class A match the motif sufficiently well (the remaining one is borderline), while very few others "erroneously" pass the screening test. These results confirm the original assignments of the candidate domains and, thus, support the hypothesis that there is a distinguishable subset of helixes having high lipid affinity. This counting approach is applicable to a growing subset of protein sequence analysis problems in which the segment lengths are short and the motif is complex.

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