
Modern linguistics cannot define and identify the best or standard pronunciations, writing and grammar. The choice and decision of sole human unified standard official or common language cannot be solved by modern linguistics generally. The current linguistics is no longer met the human developments because it can’t answer what the best language is. The sole unified standard official global English cannot appear because of English linguistic level and shortcoming mainly. English linguistics comes to predominate in the contemporary era. Negating and improving the current linguistics must be negated and improved English linguistics first. The finite numerals are expressed infinite quantities in the mathematics. The finite sounds are represented the infinite meanings in the language. The theory and method are almost same in the mathematics and linguistics generally. The linguistics is a branch or concrete application of information theory (IT). IT is based on the probability theory and statistics generally. A meaning is often certain code, string of codes or mathematical value in the language. Defining or explaining certain meaning of language is measured and calculated a mathematical value actually. A subsystem or subtopic such as language teaching is often based on the general linguistics.

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