
Globally, glaucoma—a progressive optic neuropathy—is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness. This abstract provides an overview of glaucoma’s effects on visual impairments, emphasizing the physical, psychological, and social consequences affected individuals face. Glaucoma primarily damages the optic nerve, leading to gradual peripheral vision loss, often unnoticed until an advanced stage. This visual impairment significantly lowers the quality of life by making it difficult to read, drive, and recognize faces, among other daily activities. This study examines how prostaglandin analogues affect intraocular pressure (IOP) and aqueous humor outflow into Schlemm’s canal via the trabecular meshwork emphasizing how these effects relate to glaucoma disability. The essential ocular fluid known as aqueous humor travels from the posterior part behind the iris via the pupil aperture into the anterior region. It ultimately leaves the eyes through the drainage system. The eyes’ ciliary body, an essential component of the drainage system, continuously produces aqueous humor, mainly ejected through the trabecular meshwork into Schlemm’s canal. Increase in IOP, a defining feature of glaucoma disability, is brought on by a decreased aqueous humor drainage from the angle of the drainage system. This abstract underscores the importance of proactive screening, treatment, and support for individuals with glaucoma to mitigate visual disabilities and enhance their overall well-being. This study emphasizes the critical role that aggressive glaucoma screening, effective treatment, and strong support networks play in reducing the impact of visual impairments and improving the overall health of those who are affected.

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