
A mathematical model for estimating physiological parameters of blood flow through rotary blood pumps has been developed. The model is based on the flow–pressure head characteristics of the Sputnik pediatric rotary blood pump measured under static and dynamic conditions, which allows it to cover a wide range of states of the cardiovascular system. The model provides sensorless estimation of the flow–pressure head characteristics. For the Sputnik pediatric rotary blood pump, the accuracy of estimation of the flow and the pressure head averaged over a single cardiac cycle is R2 = 0.998 and R2 = 0.976, respectively. A ViVitro Pulse Duplicator SD2001-1 bench (ViVitro Inc., Victoria, Canada) has been used to verify the developed mathematical model. The verification yielded the following values of accuracy of estimation of parameters averaged over a single cardiac cycle: flow rate, R2 = 0.993; pressure head, R2 = 0.994.

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