
The aortic arch plays a significant role in homeostatic mechanisms to retain blood pressure at stable balance in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the objective is to estimate and identify cardiovascular illness imposed by the abnormal blood hemodynamic domain. In this regard, hemodynamic forces are monitored by the baroreflex of the artery wall. Therefore, these receptors quickly detect the abnormal stress magnitudes in the aortic arterial wall. The present study presents a 3D aortic arch model extracted by a Computerized tomography scan. Also, the numerical solution was carried out by ANSYS 2020 R1 in view of Fluid-Structure Interaction After that, we found wall shear stress (WSS), pressure, and velocity in the fluid domain. Also, the normal stress was analyzed to determine the aortic arch baroreflex location in the solid range. In this regard, higher WSS values are measured at the supra-aortic branches going out the aortic arch that reached 42.5 Pa. Also, higher normal stress happened at the aortic root and the supra-aortic branches and reached approximately 200 kPa at peak systole.

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