
goal-directed thinking. Well organized activities result in significant and optimal projects, solutions, and even patents that contribute to social welfare, personal achievement, and corporate goals. The converse effect is also a serious outcome. In this case, lack of concern causes disruption. Interleaved actions of the organized thinkers lead to progress and prolife activities such as love, peaceful transactions, diplomacy, etc. Conversely, actions of the dispassionate and unconcerned groups result in antilife activities such as crime, wars, brutality, etc. Restless cycles of progress and regress occur in numerous phases. Society being dynamic supports both the movements and in numerous directions, disciplines, and demographics. The inflexions result from social, cultural, and economic factors making sciences almost incapable of predicting events and extents of swings in prolife environments to antilife settings. Science may fail in these situations, but human discretion has favored “good” over “evil”; true over false, love over hate, or honesty over deception, etc. This prolife urge has prevailed over the millennia making human evolution a continual and ceaseless social process. In this paper, we present a basis of economic reasoning in human minds, societies, and corporate environments to gracefully balance in deployment of resources and actions to maximize the expected utility gained by any action in life, culture, society, or corporation. The variations in human personalities, societies, cultures, and corporations are included by classifying the objectives and/or goals. The equations for an individual become evident and extend for societies, cultures, corporations and even nations.

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