
A straightforward mapping from Conceptual Graphs (CGs) to Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is presented. It is shown that the benefits of FCA can be added to those of CGs, in, for example, formally reasoning about a system design. In the mapping, a formal attribute in FCA is formed by combining a CG source concept with its relation. The corresponding formal object in FCA is the corresponding CG target concept. It is described how a CG, represented by triples of the form source-concept, relation, target-concept, can be transformed into a set of binary relations of the form (target-concept, source-concept ⌢ relation) creating a formal context in FCA. An algorithm for the transformation is presented and for which there is a software implementation. The approach is compared to that of Wille. An example is given of a simple University Transaction Model (TM) scenario that demonstrates how FCA can be applied to CGs, combining the power of each in an integrated and intuitive way.

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