
Part 1. commentary on drug interactions and their mechanisms: Introduction: A widening problem. A. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions. 1. Drug-drug and nutrient-drug interactions at the absorption site. 2. Drug interactions at plasma and tissue binding sites. 3. Drug interactions and drug metabolizing enzymes. 4. Interactions involving renal excretory mechanisms. B. Pharmacodynamic drug interactions. 5. Drug-drug interactions at the receptor and other active sites. 6. Drug interactions in vitro. 7. Age and genetic factors. 8. Herbal and other non-orthodox medicines. 9. Interference with laboratory testing. Part 2. drug interaction tables: 1. Drug interactions with agents used to treat gastrointestinal disease. Section I. Interactions with agents used to treat peptic ulceration and other gastrointestinal disorders. Section II. Drugs affecting gastrointestinal motility. Section III. Drugs used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases. 2. Drug interactions with agents used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. 2.1 Cardiac drugs. 2.2 Antihypertensives. 2.3 Anticoagulants and fibrinolytic agents. 2.4 Lipid lowering agents. 2.5 Diuretics. 3. Drug interactions with agents used in respiratory disease. 3.1 Sympathomimetic amines. 3.2 Theophylline and derivatives. 3.3 Antihistamines. 4. Drug interactions with agents used in the treatment of CNS disorder. 4.1 Drugs used in schizophrenia and related psychoses. 4.2 Drugs used in the treatment of depressive illness. 4.3 Lithium salt. 4.4 Drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy. 4.5 Drugs used in the treatment of parkinsonism. 5. Drug interactions with antimicrobial agents. 5.1 Aminoglycosides. 5.2 Cephalosporins and related beta-lactam antibiotics. 5.3 Chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol. 5.4 Clindamycin. 5.5 Fusidic acid. 5.6 Glycopeptide antibiotics. 5.7 Imidazole antibacterials. 5.8 Macrolide antibiotics. 5.9 Nitrofurans. 5.10 Penicillins. 5.11 Polymyxins. 5.12 Quinolones. 5.13 Sulphonamide. 5.14 Tetracyclines. 5.15 Trimethoprim. 5.16 Antituberculous agents. 5.17 Antifungal agents. 5.18 Antiviral agents. 6. Drug interactions with agents used to treat endocrine disorders. 6.1 Drugs used in diabetes. 6.2 Corticosteroids. 6.3 Drugs used in osteoporosis. 7. Drug interactions with oral contraceptives. 8. Drug interactions with agents used in immunosuppression and cancer chemotherapy. 8.1 Immunosuppressants. 8.2 Antineoplastic agents. 9. Drug interactions with aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-infammatory agents. 9.1 Aspirin. 9.2 Other NSAIDs. 10. Drug interactions with vaccines and interferon. 11. Drug interactions with agents used in anaesthesia. 11.1 Local anaesthetics. 11.2 Skeletal muscle relaxants. 12. Drug interactions with herbal remedies. 13. Drug interaction with medicinal plastics. 14. Drug interactions with alcohol. 15. Nutrient-drug interactions. 16. Recent and unconfirmed drug interactions.

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