
Nowadays, Web services are considered as new and attracting distributed approach of application/services integration over the Internet. As the number of Web Services is exponentially growing and expected to do so for the next decade, the need for categorizing and/or classifying Web Services is very crucial for their success and the success of the underlying SOA. Categorization aims at systematizing Web Services according to their functionalities and their Quality of Service attributes. Communities of Web Services have been used to gather Web Services based on their functionalities. In fact, Web Services in a community usually offer similar and/or complementary services. In this paper, we augment Web Services communities' classification by adding a new support layer for Quality of Service classification. This is done through Quality of Services specification, monitoring, and certification of different Web Services. A Web Service might be admitted to a community thanks to its high Quality of Service or might be ejected from a community due to its low Quality of Service. We propose a managerial community of Web Services that is able to monitor and certify Quality of Web Services in other communities. This managerial community offers services to other communities, Web Services providers, and Web Services clients by monitoring and certifying Web Services. The focus of this paper is the use of the managerial community to select Web Services.

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