
A 39-year-old man with clinical sign and symptoms of poor appetite, nausea, fatigue, distend abdomen, increased abdominal size and shape, abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting sensation diagnosed as Yakrit Vriddhi or Yakrit-dalodar (Hepatomegaly). As per Ayurveda Samhita Shodhana Chikitsa is more effective in such type of patient. In this case after the routine examination i.e., History, Palpation, Blood Investigation (LFT), and Ultrasonography patient was treated by Panchakarma treatment. (Bio-purification therapy) In this Poorva Karma (Snehan- Bahya/Abhyantara) and Pradhana Karma (Abhayadimodak - Virechana Karma) in which vitiated doshas were expelled through Adhomarga (Anal route). After the Virechana Karma for restoration of the body Sansarjana Karma (Ayurvedic Dietary & Behavior regimen) was also done. The patient was on purgation 26 times (Vegas). At the end of the virechana karma Kapha was presented in the stool (Kaphant-Virechana). After the complete procedure followed by palliative treatment with Arka Makoi (Solanum nigrum) patient felt remarkable relief from above cited symptoms i.e., poor appetite, nausea, fatigue, distend abdomen, increased abdominal size and shape, abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting sensation. The therapeutic purgation is safe and effective Panchakarma protocol to eliminate the morbid Pitta Dosha in the body either by pathological condition or diet and behavioral mismanagement.

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