
One of the eukaryotic polypeptide chain elongation factors, EF-1 beta gamma delta complex, is involved in polypeptide chain elongation via the GDP/GTP exchange activity of EF-1 alpha. In the complex, EF-1 gamma has been reported to be a major substrate for maturation promoting factor (MPF). Here, we present the cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of goldfish, Carassius auratus, EF-1 gamma from the goldfish ovary. The cloned cDNA was 1490 bp in length and encoded 442 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence was highly homologous to EF-1 gamma from other species. Although, the phosphorylation site identified in Xenopus EF-1 gamma was not conserved in the goldfish homologue, phosphorylation analysis showed that the goldfish EF-1 gamma was phosphorylated by MPF. We concluded that EF-1 gamma is a substrate for MPF during oocyte maturation in goldfish.

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