
The political representation of minorities within a nation-state is a task that has always posed a great challenge to countries with substantial ethnic minorities, since both the hardships of establishing an adequate legislative environment, both the sensitivity of the subject make it exceedingly difficult for the legislator to develop a sufficient system. The issue of the proper representation of those 13 recognised minorities that are considered constituent components ofthe state were part of Hungary’s political history since the regime change, and for a rather long period of time it seemed that the adequate solution for their political representation was the local governmental system of ethnic minorities. Since 2011 however, the electoral system makes it possible for ethnic minorities to be represented within the Hungarian Parliament as well, which raises the question of whether this will shift the attention of the affected minority groups from the local self-governments towards the parliamentary representation. In this paper, after reviewing the changes within the legislative environment and – in close connection with that – the problems surrounding the issue of political representation of ethnic minorities, I will attempt to answer this emerging question through a brief analyses based on the turnout-data regarding the 2014 and the 2019 elections local governmental elections.


  • a task that has always posed a great challenge to countries with substantial ethnic minorities

  • rather long period of time it seemed that the adequate solution for their political representation was

  • rather long period of time it seemed that the adequate solution for their political representation was KEYWORDS

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The political representation of Hungary’s ethnic minorities in the context of voter turnouts in the local self-governmental elections and in the parliamentary elections The political representation of minorities within a nation-state is a task that has always posed a great challenge to countries with substantial ethnic minorities, since both the hardships of establishing an adequate legislative environment, both the sensitivity of the subject make it exceedingly difficult for the legislator to develop a sufficient system. Kiegészülve a 2002-es önkormányzati választás eredményeinek hasonló képet festő tendenciáival, felvetette annak kérdéskörét, hogy vajon a kisebbségi önkormányzatok egyre növekvő száma valós nemzetiségi igény megvalósulását, vagy a jogintézménnyel való visszaélések elszaporodását tükrözi-e, tekintettel arra, hogy a Nek. tv.

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