
ABSTRACT Nihilism in its classic Nietzschean sense—the ruins of all values—is the general condition of existence of Trumpism. In contrast to Noam Chomsky’s argument that Trump, while authoritarian, is not a fascist, this article analyzes Trumpism in relation to nihilism and argues that Trump is a machine of affirmations for the collapse of all values—democracy, equality, justice . caused by the profound alienation of labor in contemporary capitalism. The machinic affirmations produced by the Trump administrative apparatuses—Fox News, Republican National Committee, Newsmax, the Justice Department . —are given a political bond and a spiritual coherence by (a nihilistic) fascism. It is a fascism that replaces the “big words” with equally ground-less affirmations (“Make American Great Again”) but, like all fascism, fails to overcome capitalism’s devaluation of all values that has in the words of Marx and Engels, “drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation.”

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