
Based on Surface plasmons States (MSPs) and coupling effect, a novel low-loss broadband one-way transmission structure is proposed in this paper, which composes of a two-way transmission line channel and two one-way ferrite loop channels. By applying a static bias magnetic field (BMF), One-way Edge States (OWES) of ferrite are excited, which results in the unidirectional coupling between the two-way channel and one-way channel. Excellent forward transmission efficiency can be achieved due to the cut-off of the forward coupling. On the other hand, the good coupling of the reversed transmission ensures good isolation. By cascading two one-way channels, a broadband property can be achieved for the structure is equivalent to a multi-frequency bandstop filter. To validate the design, a prototype was fabricated and measured. Both the simulation and experiment results verify the low-loss one-way transmission property.

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