
Two flocks of Nicholas tom turkeys from separate farms with histories of above-average condemnations for turkey green-liver osteomyelitis complex (TOC) were studied throughout a 16-week growout. Fifty birds from each farm were necropsied each week for 15 weeks, and birds that had green livers, osteomyelitis in the proximal tibia, or swollen joints were cultured for aerobic bacteria along with an equal number of control birds. At processing, TOC lesions and green livers were obtained for bacterial culture and histopathology. Green-liver-associated TOC was not observed until the turkeys were 9 or 10 weeks of age. The incidence of TOC was higher on one farm, which also had a higher incidence of airsacculitis, higher early and weekly mortality, seroconversion to Newcastle disease virus and Mycoplasma meleagridis, and significantly higher average body weights, relative spleen weights, and relative liver weights. Both farms had a high incidence of intestinal lesions and infestation with Ascaridia dissimilis. Histological evaluation of green livers revealed hyperplasia of bile ducts, dilation of sinusoids, and pigment-containing Kupffer's cells, some of which stained positive for iron. The bacterial isolates most frequently cultured from bones and livers were pleomorphic gram-variable coccobacilli, which grew visible colonies only after a series of subcultures and extended incubation.

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