
Poor sleep quality is thought to be a contributor to medical student stress. The authors evaluated the effect of high and low periods of academic stress on sleep quality and quantity in first-year medical students. A group of 25 students in their first year of medical school were provided Fitbit Charge 3 activity trackers for continual use and were surveyed at 4 intervals to assess stress level, sleep quantity, and sleep quality. Fitbit data were collected through the Fitbit mobile app and uploaded to the Fitabase (Small Steps Labs, LLC) server. Data collection times were scheduled around the academic exam schedule. Weeks in which testing occurred were identified as high-stress periods. Results from assessments were compared to nontesting periods of low stress. During stressful periods, students slept an average of one hour less per 24-h period, took more naps, and reported poorer sleep quality than during the low-stress periods. No significant change was seen in the 4 surveyed intervals in sleep efficiency or sleep stages. Students slept less and had poorer quality sleep in their main sleep event during stressful periods but attempted to compensate with increased napping and weekend catchup sleep. The objective Fitbit activity tracker data were consistent with and validated the self-reported survey data. Activity trackers could potentially be used to optimize the efficiency and quality of both student napping and main sleep events as one component of a stress reduction program for medical students.

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