
Abstract In this paper we present the implementation of a model involving real-time online education sessions for the continuation of a semester in emergency situations when the university has to stop activities. This model has been used during the strong Earthquakes in Central Mexico in September 2017 and during the most recent global situation due to the coronavirus emergency. Teaching of Engineering courses usually involves the combination of lectures, tutorials, problem solving sessions and mid-term exams. In emergency situations when the activities at the university are not possible, other models have to be implemented, usually within a short period of time. In this paper, a model involving the use of video conferencing software, namely zoom, the use of video repositories and the use of digital social media is presented as a successful model for the continuing teaching of courses of Engineering Mechanics. Results show a good acceptance by students and some suggestions given by the students in order to make this model more attractive are also presented. These findings can be applied in the future in the design of schemes for teaching or continuation of a term in higher education when the university faces an emergency that requires activities to be interrupted oncampus. As conclusions the authors present a series of recommendations for teachers or professors interested in applying this model or in designing new schemes for teaching online when the university has to be closed.

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