
Managers must make strategic decisions to cope with issues of uncertainty, customer service and the management of a company. The objective of this paper is to analyse the problem of optimisation and search of rational logistic decisions, taking into account the human factor and, in particular, the preferences of people who make decisions and implement them during the logistic activity of an enterprise. The problem of making optimal decisions for transportation of goods, taking into account the factor of urgency was investigated. Santrauka Marketingo vadybininkai turi priimti strateginius sprendimus, kaip suvaldyti neaiškias situacijas, organizuoti darbą su klientais bei su įmonės vadovybe. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra problemos optimizavimo analizė bei racionalių logistinių sprendimų paieška, įvertinant subjektyvumą ir iš dalies—pirmenybės sistemą asmenims, kurie priima sprendimus ir užtikrina jųįvykdymą, įgyvendinant logistinęįmonės veiklą. Išanalizuotas optimalaus spendimo priėmimas gabenant krovinius, kai reikia įvertintį skubumo faktorių.


  • Any managerial activity, in logistics, is closely connected with the decision-making process

  • A decision in managerial activity is a set of actions from the side of the person that makes the decision on the object that allows the restoration of this object to a desired state or achieving assigned objectives

  • Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers

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National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova ave. 1, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. Mariya GRIGORAK, PhD Education: Kiev Taras Shevchenko University, 1984. 1989 – PhD (Economics). Research interests: mathematical modeling in economics, logistic systems projecting, monitoring of logistic services. Publications: over 100 scientific papers, 4 books: “Sphere Standards of Higher Education in Speciality Logistics”, “Logistic Service”, “Logistics in the Restaurant Busines”s, and “Transport Geography”. : head of Logistics Department, National Aviation University, Ukraine, President of Ukrainian Present position logistics association. Date and pace of birth National Aviation University. Publications: Present Position: undergraduate student at National Aviation University

Theoretical aspect
Experimental research
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