
Abstract A polarimetric radar quantitative precipitation estimation to estimate rain rate (R) from specific attenuation (A) has been applied in Taiwan's operational Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensors (QPESUMS) system since 2016. A 3-yrs' (2016-2018) drop size distribution dataset from an operational Parsivel network was used to derive a localized coefficient as well as the α(K) function in the R(A) scheme for S-band radar, where α is a key parameter in the estimation of A and K is the linear fitted slope of differential reflectivity (ZDR) versus reflectivity (Z). The local DSD data was also used to derive localized R(Z) and R(KDP) relationships, and the relationships were evaluated using radar observations in heavy rain cases. A synthetic QPE combining the localized R(A), R(Z), and R(KDP) relationships is compared to its operational counterpart and showed about 8 % reduction in normalized mean error for the Mei-Yu cases. Typhoon cases exhibited similar improvements by the localized QPE relationships, but showed higher uncertainties than in the Mei-Yu cases. The higher uncertainties in the typhoon QPE verification was likely due to the stronger winds in typhoons than in the Mei-Yu events that caused greater mismatches between the radar observations at an altitude and the gauges at the ground. Overall, the results demonstrated advantages of localized radar rainfall relationships derived from the disdrometer data to improve the accuracy of the operational rainfall estimation products.

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