
Image local feature extraction is extensively utilized in the field of photogrammetry where the spatial distribution of features is important in high-quality image matching, particularly in high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) image registration. Presently, the spatial distribution problems are considered in some local feature extraction methods, though these methods are designed for point descriptors. Line descriptors are more robust to repetitive patterns compared to point descriptors and have attracted extensive attention in recent years. Hence, a feature extraction method is designed in this paper for line descriptors based on the K-connected virtual line descriptors matching method. Using the four measures, the quality of local features is quantified, and a regular gridding strategy based on the quality of local features is applied in the feature selection procedure. The proposed feature extraction method was successfully applied to match various simulated and real UAV-based images. Based on the experimental results using real images, it is indicated that two evaluation criteria, namely the spatial distribution quality of features and the number of correct matches, are improved to at least 12% and 15%, respectively, for verifying the capability of the proposed method to enhance matching performance.

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