
This paper presents a review on selection problem of material handling equipment (MHE) and general equipment used in industry area. The issue on MHE is widely paid attention since MHE has contribution on material, good and product accomplishment. Few methods and softwares have been proposed and developed to select the most appropriate MHE for a complex selection problem. Today’s high diverisity of MHE categories and types influence the generation of many possible choices which leads to the complexity. In this paper, a further discussion in terms of MHE and equipment including three major points namely level of selection, the context of selection problem and the approaches are served to highlight the complex MHE selection according to the number of possible choices provided, to analyse the consideration for the problem context, and to reveal the superior method for complex MHE selection. Forty-two papers collected from the past study are presented asscociating each point of the discussion.

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