
From the ancient times to present era, through all cultures and through the span of centuries, mankind has been pre-occupied with youth and physical appearance. The increased demand of beautification is evident by number of beauty contests, beauty centers, various cosmetic items like creams, lotions, powder etc. now available in the society. Scope of Ayurveda in the field of cosmetology has been established due to its unique concept about Beauty and effective, cheaper and long lasting Beauty therapy without any adverse effect. Healthy Personality is the basis of Beauty and this could be achieved through Dhatusamyata i.e. the state of balanced Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, and many more. The factors which determine the beauty are Prakrit, Sara, Samhanana in generalized way, Twak, Varna, Prabha, Chhaya from the general aspect, Pramana of various Angavayavas determines the organic Beauty, Dirghayu Lakshanas described in texts give the aesthetic sense and fundamental base of Personality and Beauty. The factors contributing towards beauty Dosha, Dhatu in their normal functioning status contribute to maintain the Beauty, ‘Agni’ in equilibrium state, by digestion and metabolism produces Bala, Varna, Ojas, Dhi, Dhriti, Smriti etc., Matrijadi Shad Bhavas and Panchamahabhautic combinations contribute in creating inherent Beauty, Age, Sex, Religion, Race and anthropology also have considerable impact upon the Beauty. The factors enhancing Beauty are adjuvants like – Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Achara Rasayana, Various methods in the form of internal medicines like Mahakashaya, Surgical treatment like Plastic surgery, Vaikritapaham, Diet as Hitatam, Matravat, Sadapathya dravyas, Medicines like Rasayana, Ghrita, Taila etc are useful. Hence, Safe solutions, no adverse effects, use of natural herbs, long lasting impacts etc. have made Ayurveda as choicest cosmetology.

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