
Menstrual irregularity is one of the most frequent Gynecological disorders among women during reproductive period. Due to changes in lifestyle like no time for self, use of mobiles or other electronic gadgets, busy schedule, stressful lifestyle, change in food habit (junk food or fast food) etc. As a Result, our body doesn’t get adequate nutrients required and consequently, stress or depression causes hormonal imbalances which causes menstrual irregularities. Artavakshaya is one of the most common menstrual irregularities. Artavakshaya is characterized by irregularities of cycles and scanty menstruation. Artavakshaya can be compared to Oligomenorrhea or Hypomenorrhea. Artavakshaya is also seen as one of the manifestations of the Artavadushti like Vataj Artavadushti and Ksheenartava dushti. Our Ayurvedic classics describe various modalities like lifestyle modification, Pathyapathya, Oral medication and Panchakarma procedure (Basti) for the management of Aartavakshaya.

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