
Ayurvedais an ancient system of medicine that deals with the prevention as well as treatment of the diseases through natural ways. This science is well known for its role in mentioning the techniques for better lifestyle viz. seasonal regimen, daily regimen and AcharRasayanaetc without causing any side effect.The word Amavatais made up of two words Amaand Vata. Amameans toxins that are formed as an end product of poor digestion which then circulates in the body and gets accumulated in Shleshamsthanai.e., Sandhi Sthana where it shows it’s effects like stiffness, pain and many more. The term ‘Vata’ in the disease Amavataindicates aggravated Vata Doshain the body. Just like air takes clouds from one place to another place, similarly Vata doshatake rest of the Doshai.e. Pittaand Kaphafrom one place to another. Although there is no direct description about the diseases Amavatagiven in the Brihattrayibut the term ‘Amavata’is given in the indications of some formulations. Acharya Yogratnakaraand Acharaya Chakrapanidescribed the treatment of Amavatain which they mentioned the use of Langhana Karma, SwedanaKarma, Tikta, Katuand Deepan drugs, Virechanadrugs and Basti Karma.Allthe above-mentioned treatments have the properties to cure aggravated Vata doshaand Amain the body. The present paper throws a light on the various aspects of Amavata explained in the ancient Ayurvedatexts. Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshnaand all the treatment options mentioned in the Ayurveda Samhitasare highlighted here

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