
The Carboniferous rocks, as found in Yorkshire, comprise the Coal Measures, Millstone Grits, Pendleside Series and Carboniferous Limestone. In the latter group of rocks I include the Yoredale Rocks (Phillips) of North-West Yorkshire. In the Coal Measures no fish remains have been found in the Upper Measures, as far as I know, but the yield from the Middle and Lower Measures has in the past been plentiful; at the present time, however, specimens are very difficult to obtain, as at most of the pits very little shale (in which the fish remains are mostly found) is brought up to the surface. In the Millstone Grits and Pendleside Series fish remains are—with very few exceptions—rare. Again, in the Carboniferous Limestone, the yield of these remains is now very poor, although in the past large collections have been made, notably by Mr. Horne, F.G.S., of Leyburn. His specimens were mostly collected from the Main Cherts or Red Beds at Harmby Quarry, near Leyburn Railway Station. A few others have been found in the Crow Limestone above, and the Underset Limestone below. Others have been found at Richmond, Settle, and Pateley Bridge; though in these localities they are rare. Note.—Since writing this paper. the writer finds that fish remains have been found by Mr. H. Culpin, of Doncaster, in the Upper Coal Measures. These the writer hopes to have an opportunity of describing later. Table of Fish Remains, With Their Distribution In The Carboniferous Limestones. A. | | Wensleydale—Leyburn. | Pateley Bridge | ||

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