
Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) optimizes the resource utilization in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) over time and space nowadays. But the lack of standard tools and interface makes the extensive application of DPR rather difficult. With the open source Linux widely used in the Xilinx Zynq, users’ demand for the reconfiguration becomes urgent. Linux-based dynamic partial reconfiguration system(LDPRS), combining the unified multi -thread programming model of software tasks and hardware tasks with FPGA dynamic partial reconfiguration, provides reliable and perfect reconfiguration system services. LDPRS supplies Linux standard reconfiguration programming interface and service of dynamic loading bitstreams. In the experiment, reconfiguration system is applied in the reconfigurable computing and the results show that FPGA reconfiguration design based on LDPRS has a short development period and high flexibility, supporting the dynamic loading bitstreams. This system efficiently solves the problem of the lack of standard reconfiguration development tools under LINUX, increasing the development flexibility of reconfiguration design and decreasing the difficulty and time in development.

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