
The sensory innervation of junctional and oral sulcular epithelium was investigated by use of anterograde transport of wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase from the trigeminal ganglion. By light microscopy, labeled intra-epithelial nerve fibers were observed forming a dense plexus in the apical two-thirds of the junctional epithelium, with some fibers located near the enamel space. Occasional fibers extended coronally to the sulcus bottom. By electron microscopy, labeled intra-epithelial axon terminals or varicosities were demonstrated to be in close contact with both junctional epithelial cells and neutrophils. These varicosities, which were occasionally surrounded by the cytoplasmic processes of epithelial cells or neutrophils, frequently contained large granular and small clear vesicles. In contrast to the junctional epithelium, the oral sulcular epithelium was sparsely innervated, except for the transition region between the oral sulcular epithelium and the junctional epithelium, where a dense innervation by labeled intraepithelial fibers was found. These fibers extended as far as the stratum spinosum. Electron microscopy revealed mitochondria-filled profiles of varicosities between epithelial cells. This study shows differences in the distribution and ultrastructure of sensory nerves between the junctional and oral sulcular epithelia, and further provides morphological evidence that sensory nerves in the junctional epithelium come into contact not only with epithelial cells but also with neutrophils.

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