
A Letter from the Editor Canese Jarboe, Editor-in-Chief There was a children's book that I frequently checked out at the library when I started reading—not for the story, but for the cover illustration. Two children holding a book together. The book I was holding. On the cover of their book, they sat together holding a book, and on the cover of that book they sat together holding that same book. I thought it must go on forever. In Giuliana Eggleston's essay "50 Loves Notes to the Abyss," she writes "If each moment echoes, how do we create enough sound that it never ends?" This is an issue full of wolf whistles, wind chimes, car alarms, tornado sirens, late-night cackling in a friend's living room, bells, and quiet (such quiet). Each of the works in 46.1 strike the chord of desire—a tone that reverberates on and on. This issue is my final, and I am honored to have curated with this team a collection of pieces that are so loud they create new sounds, sounds we have no words for, sounds we can only touch. If this is a catalogue of desire, it is filled with queer desire, desire to be known, desire to evaporate, trans desire, desire for, Black desire, desire to scream, desire to desire, Brown desire, desire to grieve, desire to name, desire. It is a privilege to present to you issue 46.1 of Cream City Review. Thank you to the writers and artists who made this astounding, sonorous issue something that we can hold. Yrs, Canese Jarboe Editor-in-Chief [End Page 6] Copyright © 2022 University of Wisconsin Board of Regents

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