
Dear readers and authors of the Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves: During the last ten years, the research activity in the terahertz range has increased tremendously. More and more groups worldwide are developing terahertz systems and devices, or studying nature by using terahertz waves. As a reaction to this development, in 2009, the Journal changed its title from International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves to Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. Additionally, last year the aims and scopes of the Journal were adjusted to more closely reflect the topics presented at the annual International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), which has for many years been closely associated with the Journal. Nearly two years ago I was introduced as Co-Editor-in-Chief, seconding the valuable work of Prof. Toshitaka Idehara of Fukui University. Recently, Prof. Idehara announced his retirement from his activity as Editor-in-Chief at the close of 2010. Starting in 2011, we will have a new editorial structure. Instead of having co-editors-in-chief, we will have several associate editors to represent the different subfields dealing with millimeter and terahertz waves. These associate editors will independently manage the peer-review and decisionmaking process on manuscripts which have been submitted and assigned to them. Dr. Stefano Alberti from the EPFL-SB-CRPP in Lausanne, Switzerland will manage the field of plasma science and gyrotrons. Prof. Ingmar Kallfass will manage the field of purely electronic millimeter wave and terahertz devices. Prof. Andrea Markelz from the University of Buffalo, NY, USAwill manage the field of spectroscopy. Dr. Alessandro Tredicucci from NEST in Pisa, Italy will manage the field of quantum cascade laser community. The entire editorial team will remain devoted to focusing on improving further the quality of the Journal and to raise its standards. As a result of the recent endeavors by Prof. Idehara and myself, you will continue to see more invited review articles in future issues of J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2011) 32:135–136 DOI 10.1007/s10762-011-9764-y

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