
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects. IoT is an upcoming research field and is being regarded as the revolution in the world of communication because of its extensible applications in numerous fields. Due to open and self-assimilation nature of these networks they are highly prone to attacks. Because of this reason security is of primary concern here. The security attack can be of various types, the idea here is to prevent IoT networks from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The objective of Denial of Service (DoS) is to make the server resources unavailable to the intended user, and when several such DoS attacks are present in a network then the attack is known as a DDoS attack. Our strategy is to prevent DDoS attack in IoT networks by using Learning Automata (LA) concepts. In this paper, we present a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which is used as a system model for IoT here. SOA provides a platform to the developers using which they can develop various applications for IoT without any concern regarding the nature of the objects, thereby acting as a middleware. The DDoS prevention strategy has been targeted for the SOA based architecture for IoT. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is effective in preventing DDoS attacks in IoT.

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