
We are exploring a scintillator-based PET detector with potential of high sensitivity, depth of interaction (DOI) capability, and timing resolution, with single-side readout. Our design combines two previous concepts: (1) multiple scintillator arrays stacked with relative offset, yielding inherent DOI information, but good timing performance has not been demonstrated with conventional light sharing readout. (2) Single crystal array with one-to-one coupling to the photodetector, showing superior timing performance compared to its light sharing counterparts, but lacks DOI. The combination, where the first layer of a staggered design is coupled one-to-one to a photodetector array, may provide both DOI and timing resolution and this concept is here evaluated through light transport simulations. Results show that: (1) unpolished crystal pixels in the staggered configuration yield better performance across all metrics compared to polished pixels, regardless of readout scheme. (2) One-to-one readout of the first layer allows for accurate DOI extraction using a single threshold. The number of multi pixel photon counter (MPPC) pixels with signal amplitudes exceeding the threshold corresponds to the interaction layer. This approach was not possible with conventional light sharing readout. (3) With a threshold of 2 optical photons, the layered approach with one-to-one coupled first layer improves timing close to the MPPC compared to the conventional one-to-one coupling non-DOI detector, due to effectively reduced crystal thickness. Single detector timing resolution values of 91, 127, 151 and 164 ps were observed per layer in the 4-layer design, to be compared to 148 ps for the single array with one-to-one coupling. (4) For the layered design with light sharing readout, timing improves with increased MPPC pixel size due to higher signal per channel. In conclusion, the combination of straightforward DOI determination, good timing performance, and relatively simple design makes the proposed concept promising for DOI-Time-of-Flight PET detectors.

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