
Givetian to early Carboniferous sediments of South China are characterized by carbonates. Middle and Late Devonian strata are best developed in the Guilin area. Reefs and organic shoals are recorded by various lithofacies types indicating the existence of an extended carbonate platform and a change of the composition of reef communities in time. Starting in the late Devonian, stromatoporoids and corals were replaced by algae that subsequently played an important role together with stromatoporoids, receptaculitids and fasciculate rugose corals in reef communities. In Houshan, 5 km west of Guilin, a coral-bafflestone reef occurs in the Frasnian strata, situated near an offshore algal-stromatoporoid reef. The coral reef was formed in a back-reef area adjacent to the inner platform margin. The coral-bafflestone reef is unique among the late Devonian reefs of South China with regard to the biotic composition. The reef is composed of fasciculate colonies ofSmithiphyllum guilinense n. sp. embedded within in packstones and wackestones. The height of colonies reaches 1 m. The community is low-diverse. The species ofSmithiphyllum occurring in the Frasnian reef complexes of Guilin exhibit a distinct facies control:Smithiphyllum guilinense occurs in or near to margin facies and formed bafflestone, constituting a coral reef whereasSmithiphyllum occidentaleSorauf, 1972 andSmithiphyllum sp.—characterized by small colonies with thin corallites—are restricted to the back-reef and marginal slope facies. The bush-like coral colonies baffled sediments. Algae and stromatoporoids (mainlyStachyodes) are other reef biota. Reef-dwelling organisms are dominated by brachiopods.

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