
Block excavations total115 m2 at a 1 m-deep buried occupation surface at the Sanders site, where a single bison processing event probably occurred in March, about 1700-1800 BP. The Late Archaic material assemblage consisted of25,000 pieces of bone splinters, chipped stone hunting and processing tools, a set of unique bone gaming pieces, and a single cord-marked body sherd. The sherd indicates contact with Woodland peoples and documents contemporaneity of these groups. The hunters had acquired quantities of Alibates agatized dolomite before undertaking the communal bison kill event. Intensive bison processing, tool maintenance, maintenance of primary activity areas, and the existence of leisure activities reflected by the set of incised and painted bone gaming pieces together support interpretation of the site as a lengthy encampment. Excellent context and preservation conditions permit identification of refuse discard patterns in specific and general debris piles away from primary activity areas. Environmental data indicate a short grass Plains environment.

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