
The patient was a 27一year—old woman with chest distress and short— ness of breath that suddenly started one month before her examina— tion.The symptoms were relieved with resting,SO she failed to go to the hospital for an examination.She had no complaints of fever, cough or hempotysis.One day,the symptoms became SO severe that she was sent to the emergency room and adiography disclosed an opaciW in her right hemithorax.A subsequent CT scan showed a 1arge.sharply delineated and nonhomogeneous mass in the iriferior fight middle mediastinum,which protruded to the right hemithorax. The mediastinal structure was apparently displaced to the left and the mass seemed to be adherent to the pleura,pericardium and adjacent large vessels(Fig.1A).There were enhancing areas peripheral to the mass after injecting the contrast material(Fig.1B).The 1eft side was shown to be normal.She was admitted to OUr hospital for further ex— amination on the same day. Her medical history was unremarkable except for being allergic to penicillin.She never smoked or drank alcohol,but she had been a worker spraying lacquer in a factory for about two years. Physical examination revealed regular BP(120/80 mmHg)and pulse (80 bpm).The expansion of thorax was symmetric.The breathing sounds were absent in the inferior site of the right lung.The 1eft was normal.and routine 1aboratory examination results were negative.Her blood glucose was 4.9 mmol/L and her B—HCG 1evel was 1ess than

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