
Due to its ability to handle resources in a finely controlled way, linear logic is being adopted as a foundation of several logic programming and specification languages in which some notions of state can be modelled. In particular, some of these were proposed with the main motivation of allowing the specification of concurrent systems: such systems incorporate small subsets of linear logic or have operational interpretations that exclude the “don't know” search behaviour expected from a logic programming language. On the other hand, systems incorporating larger subsets of linear logic must pay their expressiveness with a greater operational complexity. In this paper we present {ie150-01}, a simple language combining in a uniform way the reduction and state-oriented style of specification expected from a concurrent process calculus, with the more declarative and relational style of specification usual in logic programming. We will also show that {ie150-02} is an expressive language both as a logic programming and as a process specification language.KeywordsLogic ProgrammingIntuitionistic LogicLinear LogicInput ActionSequent CalculusThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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