
The 1950s through to the1970s was a time of change to Ireland’s economic, political, and legal landscape. Chapter 3 discusses these watershed decades, examining key events that laid the foundation for a more equitable society for all women. This chapter will also explore whether the social and ideological construction of women, which was core to the Marriage Bar’s ethos, evolved in tandem with these economic, political, and legal changes.While much change was occurring in the broader landscape, the impact on the nursing profession and composition remained largely unchanged until the abolition of the Marriage Bar for nursing. However, because the Marriage Bar’s abolition was part of a broader economic, political, and policy context, changes within this context also supported the professionalisation and modernisation of nursing. This shifting and evolving landscape for the nursing profession will also be discussed in this chapter.KeywordsWomen’s movementEqualityRescinding the Marriage Bar

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