
With the support from this grant, we have made the following accomplishments. We have found that a formula for fractional entrainment rate, a key aspect for parameterization moist convection, that works for both shallow and deep convection, which provide a promising direction for unified treatment of entrainment for both shallow and deep convection. We also examined the formulation of vertical velocity and showed that the effect of non-hydrostatic pressure and entrainment on vertical velocity are not constants, as assumed in past studies, but can be computed using a simple model for the cloudy updrafts. These results also apply to both deep and shallow convection, which opens the door for a more physically based parameterization of the updraft vertical velocity. We have also conducted extensive analysis of the RACORO aircraft data and have published the results in Wei et al. (2020). We have made extensive effort scrutinizing the data in detail and examining the various hypotheses with the aid of the LES simulations. This was the first application of the modified Paluch diagram on modern aircraft data and the first comprehensive analysis of mixing in clouds using real data (instead of only LES output) in a very long time. These analyses enhanced the science return of the ASR aircraft measurements. This grant also supported a study of the collisions among cold pools and an effort to build parameterizations of moist convection using tools developed in control theory.

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