
The life history of Euschistus conspersus Uhler was studied in a laboratory maintained at 80°±2°F and 45%±5% RH, illuminated 15 hours per day. Bean pods served as food and paper toweling was utilized for egg deposition. Nymphs were reared individually in shell vials and 1-pint mason jars were used as cages for adults. Males and females did not differ significantly in the length of their developmental periods. Average durations of the several life stages were: egg 6.2 days; total nymphal period 25.6 days; adult male 128.2 days; adult female 75.1 days. The sex ratio was 49 females to 51 males. Females averaged 17.4 pre-oviposition days and 53.4 egg-laying days, and deposited an average of 225 eggs each (maximum 640 eggs). Oviposition and eclosion occurred throughout the 24-hour day, but most of the oviposition took place during the late afternoon and early evening hours.

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