
A cold collision between atoms and molecules (<1 K) is one of the hot research fields in atomic and molecular physics. At low temperatures, the number of partial waves participating in the collision process decreases dramatically, and quantum phenomena start to emerge. The reaction is often dominated by quantum tunneling, and pronounced resonances can exist on collision cross sections. Here, we report on an apparatus designed for studying cold collisions between metastable noble gas atoms and alkali atoms. Our apparatus features a combined Magneto-Optical-Trap (MOT) and velocity map imaging (VMI) system. The center of a Rb MOT is overlapped with the VMI system. Cold Kr* atoms are launched toward the Rb atoms to induce Kr* + Rb reactions. The collision energy between the two species can be varied from 100 mK to 20 K. With this setup, we are planning to explore the quantum phenomena in Kr* + Rb cold collisions, including the shape resonance and stereodynamics in the reaction.

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