
Abstract: Background In this modern era where women have achieved the highest positions in politics and corporate world, it is still surprising that she is still fighting for her right-to take health related decisions. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and see the attitude & practice of contraception use amongst immediate postpartum patients. The study also aimed at counseling about various methods of contraception and help patients choose from the same. We also tried to find out and remove the barriers against contraception. Special attention was also paid towards Emergency contraception. Materials & methods A cross sectional study regarding knowledge, attitude & practice of contraception was conducted in 115 immediate postpartum females of V.S General Hospital, Ahmedabad. All females were interviewed and data entered in a pre-formed validated questionnaire. At the end of each interview, each of them was counseled about all the methods of contraception appropriate to them. The questionnaire included details like socio-demographic profile, knowledge about contraception, its various types, their advantages and disadvantages, attitude of both the partners and practice of contraception amongst them. Collected data were analyzed and results obtained Results In our study, most of the respondents (71.3%) belongs to Muslim faith. Literacy rate was higher in males (76.5%) as compared to females (41.7%). Most of them (94.8%) have heard about contraception. Maximum respondents knew about barrier contraceptives-male condoms (91.3%) followed by hormonal pills (72.2%), IUCDS (64.3%) & DMPA (11.3%). Only 20% were aware about Emergency contraception. Most common source of knowledge was from friends and relatives. There was a significant KAP GAP in our study. After counseling almost all were ready to use one or the other method of contraception. Maximum of them opted for PPIUCDS(58.3%). Conclusion Our study highlights that knowledge does not always leads to usage of contraceptives among women. Before implementing any family planning programme, the attitude regarding the usage of contraception amongst the population should be assesed. It is very important to increase the level of literacy among females and to sensitize the population & females in particular to the advantages & effects of contraceptive use.

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