
Children, Youth and Environments Vol. 22 No. 2 (Winter 2012) ISSN: 1546-2250 A Kid's Guide to Protecting and Caring for Animals Kaye, Cathryn Berger (2008). Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing; 45 pages. $6.95. ISBN 0781575423036. A Kid's Guide to Protecting and Caring for Animals is a mustread for kids, teachers, and other adults around the world.Cathryn Berger Kaye's service-learning book contains just what is needed to get kids to care about animals and their habitats. Topics covered include animal welfare, how to prevent cruelty to animals, what needs to be done to preserve habitats, a list of valuable resources, and when and how to take action. It's hard to believe how much information is contained in the 44 pages of this book. It has four sections, called stages. Stage 1: “Preparation,” includes information about why animals are important, how animals help us, historical aspects of human-animal relationships, and how to care for animals in disasters. Stage 2: “Action,” considers how to develop programs geared to one's community and the important issues at hand. Stage 3: “Reflection,” asks students to reflect on what they did. Stage 4: “Demonstration,” helps kids learn how to share with others what they've done and learned about animal welfare. This wonderful book begins with a series of quotations by kids who clearly care about other animals and the Earth.i Dakota, age 13, writes, “I’ve loved animals since I was two, and I'm glad to help animals in need of food and shelter. If it was you, wouldn't you want food and shelter?” Ezra, age 12, writes, “If we don't help them, I don't know who will.” This book is a perfect antidote to what I like to call “animaldeficit disorder.” Indeed, A Kid's Guide to Protecting and Caring for Animals will also be useful for overcoming nature- 307 deficit disorder by connecting, or in some cases, reconnecting, kids with nature. I’ve been fortunate to teach and have mutually beneficial discussions about animals with young students all over the world. We consider such topics as animal behavior, ecology, conservation biology, and the nature of human-animal interactions. I am always astounded by the level of discussion and the deep care that kids have for other animals. As a result of these projects, kids also can learn and develop other skills. Consider what Malith, age 15, writes at the beginning of A Kid's Guide: “During the course of our project I discovered that I was a pretty good photographer. I knew that this would be an interesting project, but I didn’t anticipate discovering a new passion.” I really enjoyed this book and will use it in kids’ events around the world and share it widely. It is an outstanding servicelearning book and is extremely timely as more and more kids and youth are spending less time with other animals and out in nature and more time in front of computer screens. This book “is designed to open minds, create possibilities, and encourage the lasting benefits that occur when making a contribution of one's personal talents and skills,” and it does this and more. Congratulations to Cathryn Berger Kaye for producing an outstanding book. Endnote i. Readers of A Kid’s Guide to Protecting and Caring for Animals may also be interested in: Kids and Animals:Drawings from the Hands and Hearts of Children and Youth(2011). Written by Marc Bekoff, Jane Goodall (forward),Sydney Tanner (book design), Kendall Frost (book design), and Louise Chawla (editor). Reviewer Information Marc Bekoff ...

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