
This paper describes about the analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using neural network approach. Heart structure is a unique system that can generate ECG signals independently via heart contraction. Basically, an ECG signal consists of PQRST wave. All these waves are represented respective heart functions. Normal healthy heart can be simply recognized by normal ECG signal while heart disorder or arrhythmias signals contain differences in terms of features and morphological attributes in their corresponding ECG waveform. Some major important features will be extracted from ECG signals such as amplitude, duration, pre-gradient, post-gradient and so on. These features will then be fed as an input to neural network system. The target output represented real peaks of the signals is also being defined using a binary number. Result obtained showing that neural network pattern recognition is able to classify and recognize the real peaks accordingly with overall accuracy of 81.6% although there might be limitations and misclassification happened. Future recommendations have been highlighted to improve network’s performance in order to get better and more accurate result.

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