
SummaryChromosomes readily unlink and segregate to daughter cells during cell division, highlighting a remarkable ability of cells to organize long DNA molecules. SMC complexes promote DNA organization by loop extrusion. In most bacteria, chromosome folding initiates at dedicated start sites marked by the ParB/parS partition complexes. Whether SMC complexes recognize a specific DNA structure in the partition complex or a protein component is unclear. By replacing genes in Bacillus subtilis with orthologous sequences from Streptococcus pneumoniae, we show that the three subunits of the bacterial Smc complex together with the ParB protein form a functional module that can organize and segregate foreign chromosomes. Using chimeric proteins and chemical cross-linking, we find that ParB directly binds the Smc subunit. We map an interface to the Smc joint and the ParB CTP-binding domain. Structure prediction indicates how the ParB clamp presents DNA to the Smc complex, presumably to initiate DNA loop extrusion.

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