
We found analytically the exact joint Wigner function (WF) of an atom-field system described by the Jaynes-Cummings model in the dispersive limit for a given initial state. Using the solution of a master equation with a dissipative term calculated by Peixoto de Faria and Nemes (Peixoto de Faria J G and Nemes M C 1999 Phys. Rev. A 59 3918) and a general expression for the joint WF proposed by Czirjak and Benedict (Czirjak A and Benedict M G 1996 Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 8 975), we obtained the exact reduced atom and field WFs and analysed their time evolution. Our results show that, at the maximum entanglement times, the atom tends to a statistical mixture state represented by a spherical polar plot. Also, the atomic WF shows how fast the negative-valued part disappears as a function of dissipation constant and the strength of the field coherent state.

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