
Remote sensing object tracking is a novel and challenging problem due to the negative effects of weak features and background noise. In this paper, from the perspective of attention-focus deep learning, we propose a Joint Siamese Attention-Aware Network (JSANet) for efficient remote sensing tracking which contains both self-attention and cross-attention modules. First, the self-attention modules we propose emphasize the interdependent channel-wise coefficient via channel attention and conduct corresponding space transformation of spatial domain information with spatial attention. Second, the cross-attention is designed to aggregate rich contextual interdependencies between the siamese branches via channel attention and excavate association produces reliable correspondence with spatial attention. In addition, a composite feature combine strategy is designed to fuse multiple attention features. Experimental results on the Jilin-1 satellite video datasets demonstrate that the proposed JSANet achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of precision and success rate, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

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