
Event Causality Extraction (ECE) aims to extract the cause-effect event pairs with their structured event information from plain texts. As far as we know, the existing ECE methods mainly focus on the correlation between arguments, without explicitly modeling the causal relationship between events, and usually design two independent frameworks to extract cause events and effect events, respectively, which cannot effectively capture the dependency between the subtasks. Therefore, we propose a joint multi-label extraction framework for ECE to alleviate the above limitations. In particular, 1) we design a heterogeneous-relation-aware graph module to learn the potential relationships between events and arguments, in which we construct the heterogeneous graph by taking the predefined event types and all the words in the sentence as nodes, and modeling three relationships of "event-event", "event-argument" and "argument-argument" as edges. 2) We also design a multi-channel label enhancing module to better learn the distributed representation of each label in the multi-label extraction framework, and further enhance the interaction between the subtasks by considering the preliminary results of cause-effect type identification and event argument extraction. The experimental results on the benchmark dataset ECE-CCKS show that our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, and that our model also performs well on the complex samples with multiple cause-effect event pairs.

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