
ABSTRACT Existing deep learning-based change detection methods in the field of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) usually directly deal with intensity images. Methods can be easily transferred from optical image processing to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image processing. However, the polarization information, which is critical in POLSAR data, has been discarded under normal situations. This paper introduces a novel joint change detection network based on similarity learning for coregistered complex-valued SAR data. A pseudo-siamese network takes both amplitude information and polarization information of POLSAR data as the input. The fusion of low-level, middle-level and high-level features enables the network to keep high-resolution and have strong representation ability during training procedures. Our novel sub-networks, which we term C2-Net and Intensity-Net, deal with the covariance matrix of complex SAR data and amplitude SAR data, respectively. The Intensity-Net works as a typical classification network and detects targets directly. The C2-Net attempts to find the relationship between two SAR data patches. An improved cosine similarity function is used to measure the similarity between two generated feature vectors in C2-Net. Output probability vectors of the two sub-networks are combined for final change detection. The two sub-networks are trained jointly and simultaneously. Control experiments show that proposed improvements are working. Experimental results on dual-polarization complex-valued SAR data from Sentinel-1 demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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