
In an assembly system, balancing the line and designing the part feeding setting play a fundamental role in guaranteeing efficiency and effectiveness. Although these two aspects are interrelated, they are usually performed subsequent to each other, with the part feeding decisions only being made once the line has already been balanced. However, the simultaneous solving of the assembly line balancing and part feeding problems can lead to interesting benefits. In this paper, an innovative approach for solving the Joint Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem (JALBFP) is proposed, to achieve an integrated balancing of assembly tasks and parts picking/kitting and a fully synchronised assembly-feeding system. The aim is to minimise the operational system cost, including workforce, space and transportation costs. The Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is applied to several instances and two case studies and compared to a hierarchical approach. The proposed model leads to a significant improvement in reducing the number of assembly stations required and the inventory level at the line, where space is notoriously scarce, also avoiding workforce oversizing in the feeding system. The strength of the model relies on its formulation and on its versatility, which makes it applicable to different assembly sectors.

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