
Title: The influence, salience and participation of the stakeholders in the governance structures and in the decision-making process of Higher Education Institutions: a multicase study. Paper Objective: The objective of this study is to know the influence and the salience of stakeholders in Higher Education Institutions, and their participation in the governance structures and in the decision-making process. Procedures / Method for solving the problem: This is a research of qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approach and applied as to its nature. The procedures for solving the research problem were organized in two stages: bibliographic research aimed at the main scientific works and publications on the research theme; and the multiple case study method. The data collection procedures used instruments such as questionnaire, documentary research and participant observation. For data analysis, the content analysis procedure was employed, with the aid of Atlas TI® software. Finally, the theory / case / theory triangulation was performed with the obtained data. Findings: The results demonstrate the importance of knowing the main stakeholders of the HEI, the way they suggest the decision-making process and the governance of these organizations, as well as the knowledge by the managers of these organizations of mechanisms of classification and prioritization of these stakeholders. In this context, the use of the salience model by Mitchell et al. (1997) and the New university stakeholder model of Mainardes et al. (2012) allowed to demonstrate who are the strategic stakeholders in the researched organizations, their impact on the decision making process and how they interact in the deliberative instances of the respective HEIs. It was also noted that governance in HEI needs to be enhanced by discussing more strategic level issues, as well as by better defining the roles of governance bodies such as boards and collegiate units and management bodies such as boards of directors. Practical Implications: The research is expected to have a positive impact on governance and stakeholder management. In addition, provide managers of HEIs, administrators or not, a model of identification and prioritization of demands as well as an analysis of the representativeness 8 of these stakeholders in governance structures in order to streamline and improve the decision-making process in the organization. Originality/value: The proposed procedure is unique and brings the specificities of university governance and stakeholder management in organizations with diverse stakeholders and diffuse objectives. This study has the potential to contribute to a better model of decision making, management and governance in the federal public administration, especially in federal public HEIs. Technical / Technological Production: The proposed model is inserted in Axis 1, Products and Processes as Management Processes. As far as applicability is concerned, the production has achieved scope and the agreement of the study managers and participants. The model has innovative potential when a combination of pre-established knowledge is achieved and, finally, the model presents a low complexity since it will use pre-established knowledge and with the participation of the actors described in the literature for its development.

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