
Neuropsychopedagogy and the evaluation processes, over time and in view of the educational demand, gain space in the school environment and, like any other field of study, undergo changes over the years. This study aims to identify the importance and benefits of Neuropsychopedagogical assessment. This is a bibliographical research with the objective of answering some practical and conceptual questions related to neuropsychological assessment. Such as: Why evaluate? What to evaluate? How to evaluate? To what extent and to what extent can the school develop skills and competencies in the face of a diagnosis? It emphasizes the importance of obtaining a theoretical model that supports the evaluation instruments to better understand or even overcome the limiting contours of this approach. It seeks to know and identify the historical-social determinants that still have strong roots and reverberate in the present. The possibilities for evaluating are varied and the didactic approaches that permeate this practice are diverse.

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